This is my first video blog post as it is getting harder to type for any length of time. My first video blog is on using handicap parking. The first video was made by Ken Mckim and the next two are my personal experiences on this topic.
I wish to give thanks and gratitude to Ken McKim for allowing me to share his wisdom and passion for the chronically ill. You can follow Ken on his You Tube channel, You can also following him on his website and please be sure to follow him on twitter and Facebook @dontpunishpain.
The link for his talk on disabled parking can be found here:
Ken Questions The Chronically Ill and Disabled Parking
*please note my first video I say my second video. However I re-taped after calming down regarding my family members comment video. My video's are also taped raw not prewitten they are open and honest how I feel as I am doing them *
My personal experience of being confronted by The Behavioral Police; Strangers and their right of being justified on confronting a person with an invisible illness:
Handicap Parking and Being Confronted By Strangers
Sadly some of us get horrible comments from our own family as this video talks about:
Disability Parking & Empathy