I have been blessed as I've mentioned before by those who reach out a hand to offer help, an ear to listen, a hand to hold or arms to surround me in a loving embrace. I hope all of you will treat everyone you encounter in your life the same way those precious few in my life do.
As for the quote above these are my interpretations in those lessons which not only effect my life but anyone and everyone who touches my life too.
Simplicity: the definition is the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.
- Looking out the window and just enjoying the beauty I/you can find in the moment. Everyone in this busy world of ours needs to stop and do the same.
- Watch children play...remember how simple life was and it still can be, take the time at any age you are and play like a child again.
- Watch a child discover something for the first time see the wonder and joy on their face...learn to do the same as an adult, not one of us knows all there is to know, and knowledge simply does bring wonder and joy back into your life.
- Watch the joy and excitement of a dog out for a walk....they find joy in every tree, piece of grass and people they encounter we as people can learn a lot from watching a dog out exploring the world. (sorry cat people I've only lived with dogs...but I'm sure you can learn from cats too)
- I have many people I know who are fighting their own battles and rather then beating around the bush I'll come right out and ask how are you doing? See nice and simple no hidden agenda and I do ask because I care. Don't ask if you truly do not care, we all know when someone is not being sincere.
- I have no hidden agenda if I don't know or understand what you are doing or being the way you are I will ask, and others need to start doing the same. A lot of misunderstanding could and should be avoided by keeping it simple. Why has our world become so guarded and people have become untrustworthy? The answer is simple people try to project to us a world of make believe that they think makes themselves look better,why?
- Be straight forward with me/others in your life and I/they will be also. I have often had problems in my life due to being honest and straight forward but I will value you more if you are the same to me as I am to you. I/you may lose people in my/your life because you are straight forward and honest and I/you will get hurt but I/you will move on and be stronger then before. I hope you can live a more honest and straight forward life too, you will learn who you can count on when times are rough or troublesome....everyone will have a battle they need to overcome at some point in their life, don't complicate it by not being true to yourself and everyone you encounter...keep it simple, you are not perfect nor am I or anyone else on this planet.
- Patience: the definition is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting upset or angry.
- This one is a hard one to work on and for myself I struggle with it everyday. But if one thing being home for almost a year now has taught me it's this one. I am no longer angry at the medical professionals who would not believe me something was wrong, who knew it would be something so rare.
- Be patient and kind always, I know we hear this all the time but you never know what people truly are battling in their lives. You may not think it is a battle worth worrying over for you but that does not mean it isn't a huge battle for them. Do not belittle someone else because you think it's trivial or less important than the battles you are facing.
- Be patient and kind to your parents regardless of how you think they did in raising you, they did the best they could... you may one day, if you have children find the tables have turned did you raise them perfectly, probably not. There are no perfect parents only perfect moments.
- Be patient and kind when teaching a co-worker, a child, a friend or a family member....people forget quickly that someone at sometime had to teach them how to do what knowledge they are now passing on. (I struggled with this one too for a long time and wish I could turn back time but I can't so anyone who I did not show patience too please forgive me, I will do better with the next person)
- If I could go back in time I would have more tolerance and patience with a co-worker(s) now knowing how sick I was/am I can understand why I had a short fuse when dealing with them, and I hope they understand too and would have patience and understanding to realize you were dealing the person that was struggling to make it through the day and not the person that I know I am.
Compassion: the definition is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
I have, as I know all of you have someone in your life battling a rare illness, cancer, depression, or any other number of illness you can think of. Someone just lost a loved one (human or animal). We certainly cannot forget about the old and lonely.
Here is a message to my friends, family and strangers who read what I write:
If you have someone in life who fits into the categories above (and I can't see how you cannot) but you're thinking I don't need to reach out to them because I am too busy in my life, (maybe even healthy and still fairly young) they won't realize that I have not; I hope you will never need support and compassion but I'll tell you a secret.. you are fooling yourself if you think that day will never come and you too will notice who was there for you and who is not. I hope they make it up to you before it is too late, and I hope you do the same.
As for me, if anyone I know needs someone to talk to I am here for you, I cannot take away your pain or loneliness but I will be an ear to listen or a hand to hold to let you know I am here for you now and not when it is too late. I wish everyone I love,cared and thought about would do the same.