Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Why Are You Writing About Your Illness?

I have received some great messages from people who offer me hope and encouragement.  But I have received a few messages from people asking me why on earth am I writing about my illness. Should I not keep it private? I didn't realize it was something I should be ashamed about, do I apologize now for discomforting you?  Funny how people judge you regardless of what is going on in ones life. So to those that are questioning why,  here are my thoughts just remember I'm not holding a gun to your head to read it :-).

Why I'm NOT writing my blog:

Do I have funny anecdotes about the funny things my kids have done?  The answer is No
Do I think I have the answers to the meaning of life?  The answer is No.
Do I have an unlimited flow of cash and can travel the world and write about it? The answer is No
Do I care about what celebrities are doing today, and want to write about it? The answer is No
Do I love fashion enough to want to write about it? The answer is No
Do I have political views I feel are worthy of everyone else to have my views?  The answer is No
Do I live in such an exciting city with so many things to see and do the world needs to know? The answer unfortunately is No
Do I have a funny pet, that the world needs to know about? The answer is No
Do I have the best job in the world? The answer is No (but will answer yes too because my job is now taking care of me)

Those are what some of the top blogs on the internet are about.

Why I'm writing my blog:

 Am I looking for sympathy? The answer is No.
Am I making a difference in someone's life that just received news that they have a disease that is about to rock their world. I hope I will, everyone needs to know they are not alone when it feels like you are.
Do you have the strength to endure the challenges ahead?  I hope I show you. you can.
Are you going to have good and bad days? Yes read mine.
Are you going to be frustrated with our medical system?  Yes, and if you live in our province you defiantly will be, just be thankful it's free.
Are you going to be let down by family? Yes unfortunately this one will happen.  Let them go.
Are you going to be let down by friends? Yes unfortunately this one will happen too. Again let them go.
Are you going to be amazed by the ones you thought would turn away from you but don't? Definitely and treasure them you will learn how precious and few they are.
Are you going to be amazed by the outreach from people who you don't really know but offers their help and support? I was and hope the same happens for you.
Are you going to thankful you wake up each day? Better to be above ground then below don't you think?
Are you going to cry when alone?  A lot make sure you have shares in a Kleenex company :-)

 Every one of us at one time or another will either be faced with an illness or will have someone close to them that will face an illness. When a person gets ill they have two choices wallow in self pity or stay strong and positive.  I'm opting for the strong and positive it's my nature....which is also why I write about it, and if I can help one person stay strong in their own struggles then I have done what I hoped to achieve.  

I hope this helps explain why I'm doing what I'm doing if this doesn't help those that question me then kindly remove me from your life, and stop reading what I write...I'll be okay without you...and it leaves space in my life to treasure and help those I can.

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