Thursday, 8 May 2014

Begging for HELP

I know it had been a while since I've written anything, but I have had a major set back and it has taken me a while it to able to digest and think about what I can do about my current situation.  I was not wanting to go this route but maybe, just maybe someone out there will help me or can give a suggestion on what to do.

As ludicrous as this sounds to me, I have been told that they were too rushed in their decision and have decided I do not have Stiff Person Syndrome, however they also cannot tell me what is wrong and I was advised that they may never know. I was never going to show this video public of how I am now walking since they have decided to take me off all my medication , I cannot show the only  one I have recorded when  I'm  having a full body spams as it happened during my getting dressed.  (I will show the video at the end of this post, as I would like you all to read what it is like dealing with our health care system and how doctors treat patients these days).

So I went for my second nerve conductivity test last month, now I am not a doctor but I don't believe as a patient I should feel very confident when you watch a doctor read clinic notes in the middle of a test on how to perform said test.  I know from the research I have found they are to test the lumbar paraspinal muscles in people suspected in having SPS but he only tested the muscles at my ankle and once in my thigh muscle.  Even though my muscles were spamsing throughout the test he said he could find nothing going on.  After he finished testing me he also advised that my GAD test came back normal which I replied again that I read only 60% - 80% of the people tested does this come back positive for.  However based on this he decided that I do not have SPS but could not tell me what was wrong he felt that he could not help me any further and will send a report to my GP.  Nor will he prescribe any further drugs for me or offer advise on what I can and should do next.

I have waited patiently for a month for this report making an appointment with my GP to be told he has not received anything.  When I showed him my video (which my girlfriend taped the day after my NCS and this was how I walked for 2 days after the test until my muscles calmed down a bit, and still walk like this on some days) which he watch for all of 20 seconds he said to me and I quote "I've sent you to some very smart doctors and not to make you feel like I don't think anything is wrong but is it possible that what you have is psychogenic and do you know what I mean by that?". Umm yes and funny all the literature I've read mentions that doctors also say that to people with SPS.  He then proceed to tell me that he was sorry if the doctors mislead me into think I had SPS but if they cannot find anything wrong then we may never know what it really going on.  I asked again is it possible that I have an atypical case and they need to focus on my presentation more then tests?  But he did not have an answer.  He proceeded to tell me to make an appointment in a month when he has a chance to ask for a report from the neurologist and handed me a prescription for anti-depression medication while I wait out the month.  Am I only the one who sees the pattern of going back in time instead of forward?

I have waited years to be told what I have...given hope then I have had that hope taken away in a blink of an eye.  Can anyone help?  I am not crazy nor would a rational thinking person want to do this to themselves and yet I am to accept this as an explanation?  I was told I would be the 1st case in the city or province for that matter is it possible that they lack the expertise to diagnose this correctly?  And yet there is nothing I can do! Does anyone anywhere have advise or know where I can turn to for help? If I am going crazy all I can say is it the doctors doing my head in that's doing it... Not me!  I also need to question  how can any doctor watch a person walk out of their office like this and think it is all a make believe condition?

Please mind the way I am dress and how I look on this times I am a typical girl!

Walking down the hall

P.S. A friend just posted something on my FB page and I thought I would add here what I wrote to her:
funny since I posted this publicly my muscles are spamsing non-stop but hey it's all in my head! I was never one to go so public about my life but I can't do this alone anymore. It has been a long and daunting process and then to have it all taken back like I said it's doing my head in. They ruled out Dystonia, MS, Parkinson's and now SPS and now were back to it's all in my head? I have had some really bad attacks since I have been taken off all my medication but both Chris and I know it's useless taking me to the ER so he just has to sit there and watch me suffer. I just don't understand how our medical system can be this way.


  1. I to have now been told that my neurologist does not agree with my suspected diagnosis so it is back to square one yet again, but at least I am being admitted to hospital on the 19th for about a week for further evaluation under the head of neurology to go through a thorough revaluation and possible change to treatment, but as you do rightly say it isd one hell of a journey mines has been about 15 years or more......

  2. Thanks David and you too do not give up the fight even though it's a tough battle and one that is all up hill.

  3. I'm beyond pissed & can't find another word to to say how I feel without the use of expletives! It's all in your head? Did he see you walking out of his damn office having those spasms? He should be reported for his lack of care & for violating his hypocratic oath where he swore to do what was in his power to help you ge5 better! I'm wondering if you had asked him for some damned Viagra what his response would have been? Maybe we should have him & the damned neurologist experience a little if what you're going through & see how long they would last? Don't give up & make as much noise as you can until you find someone who is willing to help you! Threaten, call hospital administrators & call every place you can think of until they do something. I had to almost die before the ER doctors realized that it was a serious situation! Then when they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me they put me in a coma. If it wasn't for my great friend I would have been sent to a nursing home. Instead she had me transferred to the hospital that saved my life. Keep kicking & screaming & don't let them tell you what they think is wrong with you. Make them do their damn job!!!

    1. Thanks Sindanny I am trying which is why I turned to the stiff person group on Facebook I know there has to be help out there for me and Ingird gave me a name to try in Canada so I plan on fighting to get to him. And you have the same thought I have would they accept that this is their life and no one can help them....I think things would be moving a lot faster for them then for any of us if they had to spend even one day like we do.

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